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Photo by George Demeter

Archived Updates


Please refer to the FEMA - Dam Reconstruction/Construction page and the USDA Stream Bank/Shore page for up-to-date information

December 2021

Updated Timeline

October 2021

USDA Categorical Exclusion Report

City Manager's Monthly Report Dam Restoration Project - Completed Items

City Manager's Monthly Report Dam Restoration Project - Outstanding Items

City Manager's Monthly Report - Dam Restoration Project - Timeline


July 2021

Critical Path to Construction Chart

BSL Cost Share Estimates


June 2021

FEMA Hazard Mitigation Proposal


May 2021

May 2021 Board Presentation 5.25.2021

Note to Public:  The City has received several inquiries recently as to why there have been no updates posted to the Hurricane Florence page.  Per the schedule on this webpage, the City submitted plans and specifications to several state agencies for permits during the month of January 2021, most notably NC Dam Safety.  Each of those agencies have notified the City that the plans have been received and that at a minimum 90-days or more will be needed for review.  The City continues to respond to questions that generated by these agencies as they review the plans but in the meantime there is simply very little information to share until the permits are issued.

City staff and elected officials continue to work on the funding package with FEMA and USDA as well as federal and state elected officials.

January 2021

90% Board Update Presentation

90% Design Report - Dams Construction and Reconstruction Project - there are large maps and schedules in this file which causes the viewing area to shift to the left. Please scroll right to view the document.

Contractor Schedule

Dam Update

Dam Schedule

Letter to Senators Tillis & Burr and Congressman Rouzer

USDA NRCS Storm Debris Removal Project

Hurricane Florence Updates - November 2020

USDA-NCRS - Streambed Stabilization Project

BSL Hurricane Florence Design & Permitting Report

Issue for Review & Permitting Drawings

Hurricane Florence Updates - October 2020

9.30.2020 BSL Status Report

USDA-NRCS EWP Assistance Gnatt Chart - September Update

Hurricane Florence Updates - September 2020

60% Design Presentation ~ BOC Workshop 9.18.2020

USDA NRCS Storm Debris Removal Project (Hurricane Florence) - September Update

September 2020 Dam Update

BSL Overall Schedule 8..31.2020