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Photo by Tanja Pigott



Does the City have a big trash pick-up for items such as furniture, refrigerators, etc.?

The City no longer hosts big trash pick-up; however, the County does have two (2) free dump weeks per year.  You can check the County's website here for contact info:  You would be required to bring your items to the County landfill as there is no pick up provided.

I want to attend a board or committee meeting. How and when can I attend?

The Board of Commissioners meet the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM.  Anyone can attend these meetings which are held in Chambers at City Hall, 9 E. Boiling Spring Rd.

To attend any of the other board or committee meetings, please look at the calendar to see what day and time they are meeting.  All meetings are held in Chambers at City Hall.

I want to volunteer in my City. What are my options?

The City appreciates all of its volunteers and the time and effort they give!  If you wish to volunteer on a board or committee, please visit our Boards & Committees Volunteer Vacancies page.  

I have yard debris I need to dispose of. How do I dispose of it?

The City does not pick up yard debris.  You can bring your yard debris to the County landfill located at 172 Landfill Rd., NE in Bolivia or to the local convenience center located at 8392 River Rd., Southport (next to Smithfield Park).  There will be a fee to dump the yard debris and you can contact them directly for the fee.  Bolivia 910-253-8101.  Southport 910-457-9484.

Building & Inspections

I am building a deck. Can I just dig some holes, put post in the holes and pour concrete around them?

No. Appendix M of the North Carolina Residential Building Code requires that support posts for a deck be supported by a proper footing.

AM102.1 Footings. Support posts shall be supported by a minimum footing in accordance with Figure AM102.1(1) and Table AM102.1. Minimum footing depth shall be 12 inches (305 mm) below finished grade in accordance with Section R403.1.4. Tributary area is calculated as shown in Figure AM102.1(2).

Do I need demolition permit to tear down a building?

Yes. § 153A-357 states that no person may commence or proceed with any of the following without first securing from the inspection department with jurisdiction over the site of the work each permit required by the State Building Code and any other State or local law or local ordinance or regulation applicable to the work: (1) The construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, movement to another site, removal, or demolition of any building. There are some exceptions. Please familiarize yourself with NCGS 153A-357 regarding the permits required for your project.

Please check with the Zoning Department to see if your project will require a Zoning Permit.

Do I have to post my E-911 address?

Yes. In order to receive a Certificate of Occupancy your E-911 address must be posted. However, we ask that you post it when you start your project because it makes it easier for anyone who needs to find your jobsite.  Address number are required to be legible from the road contrasting to the mounting surface, four (4) inches minimum in height and posted on the structure

Do I need a building permit for a fence?

A building permit is not required for a fence less than 6 feet in height. A zoning permit is required.

I own rental property. Can I do electrical work on the rental house?

No. You can only do work on your place of residence. You will need to hire a licensed electrician to do electrical work on your rental property.

Can I build my own house?

Yes, but you will not be exempt from the requirements of the NCRBC

What is the minimum footing depth?

The NC Residential Building Code requires footing depths (the bottom of the hole or trench) extend no less than 12” below finished grade.

How many sets of plans do I need to submit for review?

Commercial Projects:

We require two (2) sets. You will get one back after review. A set of reviewed plans must be onsite. You must also submit plans digitally.

Residential Projects :

Printed house plans must be on 11x17 and be legible.

Decks and accessory structures maybe on letter size paper.

All plans must be drawn to scale.

Am I required to have an engineer or architect draw the plans for my home?

No. A homeowner can draw their own plans or they may hire a draftsperson to draw their plans.

Do I need a building permit for a deck?


Do I need a building permit for a storage building?

A building permit application is required for all structures. If a permit is not required, you will be notified by the Building Permitting and Inspections Department.

The North Carolina Residential Building Code reads as follows:

R101.2.1 Accessory buildings. Accessory buildings with any dimension greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) shall meet the provisions of this code.

If your storage building is greater than 12 feet in any dimension, it will require a building permit and must be built in compliance with the North Carolina Residential Building Code.

Code Enforcement

Can I leave my basketball hoop on the side of the road?

Basketball goals left in the Right-of-Way- use of basketball goals alongside city roadways is allowed and encouraged, but when not in use they can cause a traffic hazard and obstruct other uses. Please remove them or lay them down and turn them away from the road when not in use.

Can I pile old furniture or large items next to the road for trash pick-up?

Piling unwanted furniture, trash, etc. in the Right-of-Way…unless arrangements have been made prior, Waste Industries does not pick up larger items left out next to the garbage containers. Neither does the City of BSL. This can also create a hazard to traffic and pedestrians alike.

Do I have to keep my trash can near my house?

Trash cans are not permitted to be left in the Right-of-Way. They can be put out the day prior, and should be put away no later than the day after scheduled pick up.

When is my lawn considered overgrown or a nuisance?

High grass- even in non-summer months, grass can continue to grow beyond a reasonable height and can create a harbor for snakes and other undesirable vermin. City Ordinance 9-116 states grass and weeds must be maintained at a height not greater than 10”.  Help keep the city beautiful and clean and keep those lawns mowed.

Can I have signs in front of my property, or near the road in front of my property?

Signs are not permitted in any Right-of-Way at any time, with very few exceptions. Additionally, ordinances do not permit business advertising in residential areas.  For full sign regulations, see the Unified Development Ordinance Chapter 10

I have a vehicle that doesn’t run, or that I want to restore. Can I park it on my property? Can I leave a trailer or vehicle on the side of the road at my house?

Ordinances are very strict about this. Vehicles that do not bear current registration, and inspection and are inoperable are in violation of the ordinances. (We understand breakdowns happen, and can work with some instances) If the vehicle is kept inside a garage, it does not have to meet all these requirements.  Parking vehicles in the Right-of-Way is permitted for up to 8 hours, provided it is currently licensed, inspected and operable. Chapter 9 article 2 and Chapter 15 of the city ordinances covers these in more detail.

Parks & Recreation / Community Center

What lakes can I swim in?

Spring Lake, The Big Lake @ Alton Lennon Park, Mirror Lake and Seminole Lake.

What programs does the Parks & Recreation Dept. have?
Where can I launch a boat, kayak, or canoe?

Currently electric motor boats, kayaks and canoes can be launched at Spring Lake Park.  Kayaks and canoes can also be launched at Mirror Lake and Seminole Lake.

Any other recreation in the City?

There are tennis and basketball courts at Robert Muse Park.  There is a disc golf course behind the Community Center as well as a nature trail.  There is also a basketball court at Charles Schneider Park. 

Which parks have playgrounds?

The Community Center, Robert Muse Memorial Park and Charles Schneider Park.

Are pets allowed in the parks?

The following rules must be adhered to:

(a)  There shall be no pets or other domesticated animals allowed in the public parks except in designated areas.

       (1)  Effective at all city of BSL Parks:

             a.  Leashed dogs are allowed but must be on a non-retractable leash of ten (10) feet or less at all times; no other animals or unleashed dogs are
                  permitted. Leashed dogs must remain under the full control of the owner and are not permitted to harass wildlife or other guests to the park.

             b.  All dogs must display a current rabies tag at all times.

             c.  Owners shall be required to clean up after their dogs and to dispose of the waste in an appropriate receptacle.

             d.  This section does not apply to guide dogs for the visually impaired or to dogs conducting department directed educational programs.

       (2)  A violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00) per offense per pet.

              b.  Violation of this section may subject the offender to civil penalties that have been established to cover the cost of enforcement of this
                    section in accordance with section 1-15 of this Code. The civil penalty shall be as published in the fee schedule adopted by the board of             
                    commissioners and modified from time to time.

Planning and Zoning

I am getting ready to build my house in BSL. What do I need to do?

Our informational checklist is a good starting point

I want to remove some trees on my lot. What do I need to do?

A permit is required for the removal of ANY tree that is 8" DBH (diameter at breast height) or larger. Tree removal permit applications are available under the Planning and Zoning page. Please be aware, the City is home to the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW). Removal of pine trees also requires authorization from U.S. Fish & Wildlife if the property is located in an RCW sensitive area. Please see the woodpecker FAQ for more information.

I have a parcel I wish to sell and need a street address assigned to the parcel. What do I need to do?
Woodpeckers - Is my property located in a woodpecker zone?

The City of Boiling Spring Lakes is home to the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker (RCW), a species that primarily inhabits longleaf pine forests, which comprise much of the landscape within the City. They are the only North American woodpecker to excavate their cavities and nests in living pine trees. 

The removal of pine trees requires written authorization from U.S. Fish & Wildlife, prior to obtaining a tree removal permit from the City, if they are located in an RCW sensitive area. These areas are coded as "blue" and "red." Cavity trees are the pine trees with holes that the birds live in. "Red" lots are those lots located in a cluster zone, which includes active cavity trees, plus a 200 foot buffer. "Blue" lots are foraging partitions that expand beyond the cluster center, where the RCW's search for food, and defend their territory.

You can find whether or not a particular parcel is located in an RCW sensitive area (red or blue zone) by using the link below:

RCW Parcel Classification List

Police Department

Do I need to register my dog?

Dog registration is no longer required (see below).  However, rabies vaccinations are still required for all dogs.  

Ordinance 2022-21 to Amend Chapter 3 - Animals was adopted on October 4, 2022 which removed Sec. 3.52 requiring registration and fee for dog tags within the City limits. 

How do I obtain copies of a Police incident or accident report?

Incident reports and accident reports may be requested by contacting the Boiling Spring Lakes Police Department from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday (except holidays). 

Accident reports will only be released to individuals outlined in 18 U.S.C. § 2721 and N.C.G.S § 20-43.1.

How do I file a complaint?

Complaints can be filed by completing a Citizen Complaint Form. These forms can be completed at the Police Department during business hours (Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm, except holidays). 

Public Works

My street has a pothole. How do I report it?

The City has a Report a Concern portal where concerns, complaints, suggestions, etc. can be logged.  This portal can be found on our homepage at the top of the page or you can click the following link  Report a Concern

Keep in mind E. Boiling Spring Road as well as George Hwy II (Rt. 87) are State roads and are maintained by the State.  If there are potholes you wish to report on E. Boiling Spring Rd. or George Hwy. II (Rt. 87), please click the following link:


The drainage ditch in front of my home has filled in. How can I report this?

The City has a Report a Concern portal where concerns, complaints, suggestions, etc. can be logged.  This portal can be found on our homepage at the top of the page or you can click the following link Report a Concern .  To report this type of issue, be sure to choose storm water conveyance system.

What is the street lighting policy and procedure?

What is the street lighting policy and procedure? The City of Boiling Spring Lakes receives numerous requests regarding the installation of street lights. The primary purpose of street lights is to provide drivers with quick, accurate and comfortable visibility at night. A major cause of accidents at night is poor visibility. Street lights aid in reducing these accidents and facilitating the traffic flow.

Citizens should realize that street lights are provided for traffic safety, not property security. It is true that street lights do provide some amount of security in residential areas. This, however, is not their primary intent, and they are never installed for security reasons alone.


The City of Boiling Spring Lakes pays approximately $20,000 annually for street light operations. This cost does not include new street light installation, or existing street light upgrading. The annual maintenance cost is between $89 and $107 (if pole is needed) per street light. The cost for installing and maintaining a new street light will be paid for by the City of Boiling Spring Lakes. The residents can request the installation of upgraded street lights. The City of Boiling Spring Lakes requires that the installation cost for the upgraded street lights be paid for by the residents.


It is the intent of the City of Boiling Spring Lakes that the developer installs and funds all street lights needed in a subdivision, or commercial area, at the time of electric utility facilities.

In accordance with Article 8, Part III of the City's Unified Development Ordinance, street lights shall be installed in residential areas at 400 to 600 foot intervals, and shall be provided at each intersection, and at the ends of all cul-de-sacs.


Requests for street lights where no lighting already exists will first be evaluated for the need to install a light system on the roadway, or development, in accordance with the Unified Development Ordinance of the City of Boiling Spring Lakes. Installation of a single independent light will only be approved on a case-by-case basis after completion of an evaluation for validating a lighting problem.

It is the responsibility of the individual making the street light request to complete the a Street Light Request Form, and to ensure that the request contains all required information, including:

1. Requestor's name, address, telephone number and reason for request
2. Exact location (street address) of the requested street light (e.g; pole between 628 and 632 Elm St.)
3. Pole number for the adjacent existing street lights
4. Drawing showing the location of the requested street light, street width, and distance of the existing street light(s) to the requested street light
5. Petition with the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and signatures of residents on both sides of the street within 200 feet of the proposed street light, whether in support of, or opposed to the installation of the street light (the petition must indicate that at least 75% majority of residents support the requested installation; property owners shall provide the necessary utility easements for electrical service to the light at no cost to the City of Boiling Spring Lakes)

Upon approval of the installation of the street light by the City Manager, the City will request necessary easement, at no cost, to be provided to the appropriate electric company for the purpose of installing the street light.


The intent of this policy is to evaluate all requests as to the need for lighting of streets within the City of Boiling Spring Lakes, to ensure the safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. All street light installations shall be in accordance with the design criteria as described in the Unified Development Ordinance by the City of Boiling Spring Lakes as referenced above. Any exception to the design criteria will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. All approved street lights will be installed subject to the availability of City funds.


For more information about street lights, please contact the Public Works Department at (910) 363-0025, ext. 2001.

To submit a street light request, please complete the Street Light Request Form on the City's Website under the Public Works link.
Which roads will be paved?

Pavement management is a challenging program for any community. The City of Boiling Spring Lakes has established a Long Range Planning program, and certain roadways are targeted as potential paving candidates for future consideration. Please visit the Public Works page on the city's website at for more information.