City Hall Contact

9 E. Boiling Spring Road
Boiling Spring Lakes, NC 28461
Telephone: 910-363-0025
Toll Free: 844-363-0025
Fax: 910-363-0029
Hours: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Monday through Friday (except Holidays)
Services available at City Hall
- Copy charges: 25¢ per page
- Fax: $1.00 per page (incoming and outgoing)
- Notary services (located at City Hall or the Police Department) free of charge but please make an appointment if possible.
Garbage Pick-up
Garbage is picked up on Tuesday. Please have your receptacle at the curb no later than 6:00 a.m. All garbage must be bagged and inside of the can. Recycling receptacles are also available for an annual fee and are picked up bi-weekly. Contact Waste Industries/GFL at 910-253-4177
Community Center
Please visit the Community Center at 1 Leeds Road or call 910-363-0018 to obtain information on programs offered. You can also visit their page here BSL Community Center. The Community Center has a fitness room that is available to residents at very reasonable rates. They also offer before/after school programs, summer camp and a senior nutrition program.
The City's emergency notification system. CodeRED is an emergency notification service that allows emergency officials to notify residents and businesses by: telephone, cell phone, text message, email and social media regarding time-sensitive general and emergency notifications. Only authorized officials have access to the CodeRED system. Also, please sign up for the County's emergency notification system ReadyBruswick – Brunswick County ReadyBrunswick - to be advised of weather related emergencies as well as county-related emergencies (such as boil water advisories, county road closures, etc.).
Board of Commissioners
Board of Commissioners' meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall.
Committees, Boards & Commissions
The City has the following committees, boards and commissions: Library Commission, Special Events Committee, Planning Board, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, Grants Committee and Community Appearance Commission. These boards meet once a month at City Hall. Please visit each committee's page for information on the committee and their meeting date and time.
Swimming Lakes & Parks
Swimming parks are Spring Lake, Mirror Lake, Seminole Lake and Tate Lake. There is a fishing pier at Spring Lake Park. Playground parks are Robert Muse Memorial Park located on Miller Road/E. Boiling Spring Road and Charles Schneiders Park located on Mirror Lake Drive as well as at the Community Center, 1 Leeds Road. The City also has pickleball and basketball courts at Robert Muse Memorial Park and there is a disc golf course at the Community Center. Learn more about our lakes and parks here.
Water & Wastewater - Brunswick County Utilities
Customers are encouraged to check Brunswick County's Advisories and News webpage to see the latest status updates concerning any system pressure advisories or outage notices. To receive notification via email when a general advisory is issued, sign up for the Utilities Update email list. Customers can report issues after hours using the County's after hours emergency lines below: