If you are having difficulty getting a burn permit on a day burning is permitted please call 910-294-0996 #2 or 910-363-0025.
If a burn permit application does not appear, burning is not permitted for one or more of the reason(s) listed.
Burning Rules & Regulations
- Only yard waste 4 inches or less in diameter may be burned. No man-made materials may be burned at any time.
- All fires/open burning must be a minimum of fifty feet from any structure.
- Burning is allowed from Sunrise to Sunset only.
- The fire must be supervised at all times and a pressurized water supply must be on site.
- Burning is limited to one fire per lot per day.
- The individual applying for the permit is responsible for the fire.
- You may not burn lot clearing debris.
- Businesses are not allowed to burn.
- Permits are valid only on the day issued.
- No burning is allowed in City right-of-ways.
- Permits can be obtained in person at City Hall or at the Police Department, Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- The City reserves the right to deny burning permits when weather conditions are not favorable, or by order of the City Fire Marshal.
- This burn permit is subject to immediate cancellation at the sole discretion of the City Fire Marshal.
- Burning in barrels is allowed. (with a burn permit)
- Burning shall not create a nuisance.
- Burn permits must be obtained from The City of Boiling Spring Lakes.
Note: Prescribed burning may be only carried out by North Carolina State Forestry Service or the Nature Conservancy with full knowledge of the Boiling Spring Lakes Fire and Rescue, and with the approval of the North Carolina Forestry Service. See full ordinance.