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Photo by George Demeter

Brunswick County Comprehensive Transportation Plan

In 2020, NCDOT, Brunswick County, it's municipalities, Cape Fear Rural Planning Organization, and the GSATS Metropolitan Planning Organization began a Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) study for Brunswick County.  The Comprehensive Transportation Plan is North Carolina's multi-modal long range transportation plan that identifies transportation system needs, as well as possible solutions to support anticipated growth and development over the next 25-30 years. 

The City of Boiling Spring Lakes adopted the Brunswick County Comprehensive Transportation Plan on April 2, 2024. The CTP was also endorsed by the Cape Fear Rural Planning Organization on March 15, 2024, and adopted by the NCDOT Board of Transportation on May 1, 2024. The Brunswick County CTP document and appendix can be found at

Vision Statement from the Brunswick County CTP Steering Committee:

"For Brunswick County to have an integrated multi-modal transportation system that is safe, environmentally sensitive, aesthetically pleasing, and user friendly. For the community to optimize local transportation networks while maintaining regional connectivity that makes access to the area and its attractions easy and aids in economic growth. To improve access for emergency services, provide equitable opportunities to all socioeconomic groups, minimize congestion, and strengthen the community's resiliency, while maintaining and protecting the area's natural, cultural, and recreational resources over the next 25-30 years."