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Photo by Tanja Pigott

Fee Schedule ~ Permits & Inspections

 ~ Permits & Inspections ~  
 NC State Building Code: Administrative Code and Policies Section 206.1 Permit required  
 Permits are required for all work, Building Code, Div. 3, Permits, Section 4.56-4.75  
 General Fee
 Penalty for work started before obtaining a permit Double Permit Fee
  ~  Working without a permit~ *** Max $600.00 Residential / Max $1,000.00 Commerical***  
 Administrative fee added to all permits issued $40.00
 Technology Fee added to all permits issued $5.00
 Minimum Inspection Fee $75.00
 Refund - Administrative and Technology Fees retained if permit is canceled before          construction begins. If project and construction has started, all fees are retained.  
 (Does not apply to 1-2 Family Structures)  
 <2500 sq. ft. * $200.00
 2501 s.q. ft. - 5000 sq. ft. (per trade)* $100.00
 5001 sq. ft. - 10000 sq. ft. (per trade)* $150.00
 10000+ sq. ft.* (per trade)9 $200.00
 Condo/Apartment (per unit) $75.00
 Townhomes (per unit) $100.00
 *may vary based upon occupancy & use  
 Cell Tower $250.00
 Solar $10.00 per MW* $100.00
 Electrical ~  
 Commercial ~ Based on Cost ($5.00 per $1,000) if not included in Building Permit $5.00 per $1,000.00
 Commercial ~Minimum$150.00
 Commercial- when project cost paid in building permit $150.00
 Residential ~ Rough in and Final $150.00
 Temporary Pole ~ 100 Amp $75.00
 Temporary Main Power ~ Application Required $75.00
 Miscellaneous Permit ~ Per Inspection $75.00
 Additional Inspections $75.00
 Mechanical ~ HVAC & FUEL GAS Fee
 Commercial ~ Based on Cost ($5.00 Per $1,000.00) if not included in Building Permit $5.00 per $1,000.00
 Commercial ~ Minimum $150.00
 Commercial - When project cost paid in building permit $150.00
 Residential ~ Rough In and Final $150.00
 Miscellaneous Permit ~ Per Inspection $75.00
 Additional Inspections $75.00
 HVAC Change Out ~ Per Inspection for first unit $75.00
  each additional unit$25.00
 Plumbing ~ Fee
 Commercial Based on Cost ($4.00 Per $1,000.00)  
 Commercial ~ Minimum $150.00
 Commercial - When project cost paid in building permit $150.00
 Residential ~ Rough In and Final ~ New Construction for houses on slabs add inspection fee for Plumbing Slab inspection $150.00
 Miscellaneous Permit ~ Per Inspection $75.00
 Additional Inspections $75.00
 Building ~ Fee
 Building fees are based contracts or the following calculation values: the greater of the contact value or calculated value shall be used to determine all fees.   
 Residential 1 and 2 Family Dwellings ~ Heated sqft * ICC value + unheated sqft * $45.00 = Value Based on value chart
 Other than 1 and 2 Family Dwellings Sqft * ICC value / 1000 * 4 = Value Minimum SqftMinimum$150.00
 1 and 2 Family Decks, Patios, Porches, Storage Buildings & Detached Garages built on site ~ Unheated sqft * $45 = value Based on value chart
 Masonry Fireplace - $5,000 added to value of house  
 Pre-Fabricated Fireplace - $2,500 added to value of house  
 Permit Fees After Construction Value Has Been Determined   
 Value Fee
 Up to $6,000.00 $70.00
 $6000.01 - $10,000.00 $80.00
 $10,000.01 - $15,000.00 $90.00
 $15,000.01 - $ 20,000.00 $100.00
 $20,000.01 - $25,000.00 $120.00
 $25.000.01 - $35,000.00 $150.00
 $35,000.01 - $50,000.00 $180.00
 $50,000.01 - $75,000.00 $170.00
 $75,000.01 and Over $210 + $5.00/ $1000 or portion thereof
 Masonry Fireplace ~ $5,000 added to value of house  
 Pre-Fab Fireplace or Wood Stove ~ $2,500 added to value of house  
 Mobile Home Setup ~ Plus Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Driveway:  
 Single Wide $300.00
 Double Wide $400.00
 Triple Wide $500.00
 Modular Units ~ Plus Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical and Driveway $400.00
 ~ Plus Additional Inspection Fees for Onsite work Based on Cost/Value  
 Relocated House ~ Basic Fee for Footing and Foundation $350.00
 Remodeling ~ $60.00 sq ft (sq ft x $60.00 = valueMinimum$150.00
 Prebuilt Storage Building ~ Flat Fee 1 Inspection <401 sqft $75.00
 >400 sqft Building fee schedule  
 Bulkhead ~ Flat Fee per Inspection $75.00
 Demolition ~ Flat Fee ~ Residential 1-2 Family $75.00
 Commercial $200.00
 Docks or Piers ~ Flat Fee per inspection $75.00
 Ramps ~  
 Residential Ramp ~ ADA Compliant ~ Zoning and Building Permit Required Fee Waived
 Non- Residential Ramp ~ ADA Compliant ~ Commercial Permit required ~ Based on value ~ $45/sqft ~ Zoning Permit RequiredMinimum$150.00
 Swimming Pools ~  
 Residential ~ In Ground & On Ground Flat Fee + Electrical ~ Does Not Include Decks $150.00
 Commercial ~ Flat Fee + Electrical & Plumbing $300.00
 Miscellaneous Fee
 Stop Work Order Place/Removal Fee $75.00
 Re-Inspection Fee ~ All Trades (First re-inspection fee included with all permit fees) Excludes work not ready re-inspections - Fee shall apply $75.00
 Before/After Hours Inspection Fee: All trades (per hour) (2 hour minimum) $100.00
 Contractor Change $40.00
 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (1-2 Family) $125.00
 Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (Non 1-2 Family) $200.00
 Certificates of Occupancy (not permit related) $100.00
 Punch List Inspection Fee (applied when more than 4 violations found on an inspection site visit) Reinspection Fee also applies $125.00
 Fee Schedule Fiscal Year July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 ~ Approved by BOC