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Photo by Tanja Pigott

Wildlife in the Lakebeds

The increase in wildlife in and around your property recently is in direct correlation to the lakebeds being mowed and cleaned up in preparation for the city to have our lakes back. 

Right now they simply have nowhere else to go; the lakebeds have been their home for nearly 6 years. That is equivalent to 14 generations of rabbits, 7 generations of opossums, 42 generations of mice/rats, and 3 generations of deer just to name a few.

While it may be frustrating to have a deer eat your flowers, an opossum nap under your shed, or a raccoon come up on your porch to eat cat food, please be patient and know that this will pass in time.  These animals are relocating to the surrounding woods.

Please do not harm, feed, or otherwise interact with the wildlife. If you see one needing assistance, please let the professionals handle it and reach out to a wildlife rehabilitator. 

Thank you!